Thursday, August 8, 2013


H here! still in Utah. ok, lets catch up.

we Explored main street.
we did the ropes course at  the same place we saw the skiers on Sunday. it was cool!!! also sort of hard.
we went zipplining- again.
we had dinner with friends- the ones who told us about the place we are staying. went to a wonderful restaurant with them.

we slept in! yay!!!
we went up a chair lift that the place we are staying at owns.
guess what? we found out that there was a hence that it stormed. EVERY SINGLE DAY WE ARE HERE. in fact, while on the chair lift, the sky was black.

we went horse back riding- in the MOUNTIANS!  I had so much fun. A's horse was right in front of mine. My horse was Flash, A's was Buddy. they seemed like they were best friends. but Flash was the slowest horse ever! he was just slow. one minute he was there and the next he was far behind.  the only time he went fast was when he could not see Buddy. (we went in a single file line and Buddy was right in front of Flash.) in fact, once, Flash kept stoping for grass and Buddy was so far ahead that Flash count not even see him- so he randomly broke out into a RUN. a RUN!!! Up a hill!!! I was scared, but I was smiling the whole time. The guides said they had never seen Flash go that fast ever. i seriously thought I would fall off!!!  Then, after a few minutes, again Buddy was far ahead. This time, he was so tired from running up that hill that  just galloped. and then he just kept up. Mom got the mule. :)

and today, Thursday, we just went to a store and chilled out a home.

well, since I didn't post for 4 days and I promised i would, I guess I will share a camp story the make up for it.

ok. We were coming back from drama classes, on our way to lunch. That means a half mile walk to lunch. When we first got to the drama building it was sunny, so nobody thought of bringing a rain jacket. We were all STARVING. So we are walking back, and I look up. The sky was BLACK. every where. not a tiny bit of even dark grey in sight. I nudge some kids near me and point up. as soon as we all processed how bad this situation could be, it started raining. just a drizzle. and in the course of about 3 seconds, it is raining so hard we all have to hide in a Fed Ex shed. (since camp was at a college campus, there were little sheds fit for about 2 people so students could sent letters home.) there were about 9 kids and thankfully 3 counselors. the rain was coming in sheets. it was already flooding! the 3 counselors had no idea what to do. So we waited. we were all hungry and here was so little room in the shed that a girl had to stand outside in the rain. the shed was next to a tree. suddenly, there was a very loud sound. it sounded like a drum, but literally a million times louder. my ears were burning, it was so loud. We all realized it was thunder. and since thunder is the sound of lightning, and it was very very very close, we all had to get out of the shed and into a building. the nearest building was about 30 yards away. we had no choice but to run to the doors. We ran so fast we were only outside for about 10 seconds, but everyone was soaked all the way through. now, lunch was halfway over, and we were starving. we tried waiting it out, but we got so hungry we just called the camp director and told them that were were stuck. The director called a counselor who had a van. so in groups of four, we made a mad dash to the van, hopped in, and were driven to the street where the meal building was. I was in group 2 with A, a camp friend and my cabins JCPA. (junior counselor/program assistant) we ended up getting there just in time to get the last of the hot food. good thing, too! It was freezing! When lunch was over, we all got changed into new clothes. It was fine.

ok, my fingers are exhausted. I have to go, bye!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

hello... again!

H here! It has been 24 hours since I posted and I am back! in case you didn't see the last post, I am in Utah for summer vacation and today is day 2 out of 8.  I woke up at 7 am and sadly, I didn't leave the mega-room (my new room for the hotel we are staying in)  Till 10:00- which was ok, since I just made an awesome ski show! there were really good  skiers doing tons of awesome tricks and it was so cool!!! I got a few good pics, but I don't have the google app and can not upload them from the phone. It was mind boggling! there were about 6 or 7 skiers and  snowboarder, and they were doing "triple back flip double turn jumps" off the biggest slope ever. It was amazing!!! the thing is, they also had a gigantic ends that literally were over 10 feet tall- this sent the skiers shooting up in the air! since it is summer, they landed in a pool instead of the normal snow... only problem was the heat! It was burning! I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and i felt like i was on fire, so what about the skiers in their double layered wet suits, life jackets, AND extremely heavy ski boots, not to mention all the equipment. and when the ski boots get wet!?! Thats like, A billion tons!!! I sort of wish I knew how to ski, looking at these people do all that cool stuff. anyways, after the ski show, we got tickets to go on a rope course. (they had a bunch of activities to do there.) but the wait was really long, so instead, we all went on the zipplining course!!! It was really cool. of course, when we went to san diego, the zipplining was much longer and higher and cooler, but It was really fun. afterwards, we went out to dinner with friends. it was really fun! I had a good day. Its 1 am at home, so i got to go to bed now. GOODNIGHT!!!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


H here! A, my mom and I are in UTAH!!! U-TAH!!!   U-TAAAAAHHHH!!! woooo!!!  I can not believe that I didn't post about this earlier, but it never occurred to me I was going to be in Utah till he plane hit the ground. Utah seems like a very nice place! the big difference from Utah and my town is the mountains. oh, the mountains!!! THEY'RE HUGE! its crazy! and guess what? while driving to the hotel, I noticed that not only did the highway have nothing blocking you from a billion jillion gazillion feet drop, but that there is not a single light!!! how do you drive at night! and the altitude? Its 7,000 feet. WHAT!?! in my town, the altitude is zero feet!!!  how do you not roll down the hills when you park!?! how do the houses not tumble down the hill when they are on the top of the gigantic hills!?! HOW DO YOU BRING THE GROCERIES ALL THE WAY UP TO YOUR HOUSE!?!?!

ok so were staying in this awesome hotel in a nice place and guess what? we bought a 2 room suite with a mini-fridge, two beds and a living space, but for no reason at all we got a 3 bathroom, MEGA SIZE KITCHEN, GIGANTIC king bed with really soft furs, a living space bigger than the one in my own house, AND a loft where A and I share bunks in a big room with plenty of space. (I get top bunk, but lower bunk is twice the size.) and by a loft, i mean, like, another floor. 2 floors! in a hotel! WE EACH GET OUR OWN BATHROOM. IN A HOTEL!!!!!!!!!  Its so awesome!!! we also have 3 tvs! its just so cool! It is hard for my face to realize that I'm living in a HUGE HOTEL!!! good thing, too. were staying for 9 days! its day one. I am exhausted. I fell asleep at midnight last night and had to wake up and 6:30 am to catch the flight. suprizingly, at the airport, the baggage checking line was 200x longer than the security line. maybe everyone was in the baggage checking line.

well, I feel bad for such a short post, since your probably all excited. sorry. but there is a concert next to the hotel and if we don't get groceries now, we will be stuck late at night on a dark highway because all the CRAZY CONCERT PEOPLE will be leaving the concert. so sorry. but you can expect posts much more often here! like, 5-7 times before I leave!


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

the blogging bell

h here! every week or so after posting, I get what I call the blogging bell. After about a week of not posting, I naturally remind myself to blog and every day I do not blog after that it gets louder and louder until its been, lets say, two weeks of not blogging, its practically all i can think about. I got the blogging bell last night, so here I am!!! lets see..

heres a mind boggling game thats super hard with single player but easy with a friend. It is called Fireboy and Watergirl. A and I were just playing, actually. you probably will never play, but... eh. why not?

PEMDAS is falling apart.  ever heard of the order of operations tool otherwise known as Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction, or PEMDAS? well, it is, as i stated earlier, falling apart. watch this awesome video from MinutePhysics.

Immovable Object v.s Unstoppable Force. One of the best and most-watched videos by Minute physics. its really good. you will like it. trust me. you will. watch it. ;) (what?)

Americans are confused by numbers.  Well, thats a very broad subject. i am sure that somewhere in this gigantic country, there is someone who is not confused by numbers. and someday, somehow, I will be that person. YOU'LL SEE!!!

SQUARE DAT CIRCLE!!! or at least, try. Don't end up like Eddy over here though. That must be EMBARRASSING!!!  (confused? watch the video!!!)

I am exhausted (why, i do not know.) so I keep messing up on typing lately- sorry for possible typos. A is gettting ANTSY  because she wants to play FIREBOY and WATERGIRL again. sorry for the short post. I got to go, bye!!!

P.S. - 751 views  :D

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

i forgot...

          H  here... SorryI haven't posted. Like, in forever. I forgot that I had a blog... I am so stupid. XD  But thats ok. Anywayz, let me fill you in. This week I have been going to a sock monkey/needle felting day camp. It's really fun!!! In case you didn't know, needle felting is when you take fluffy fluff fluff and you shape it with your hands and then you STAB IT VIGOROUSLY WITH A REALLY LARGE SHARP POINTY THING!!! If you do so, it stays in whatever shape you want and you can make anything. I made 3 penguins (I AM SO SICK OF PENGUINS) and a puppy. Also, I have an addiction to sock monkeys and now I get to MAKE MY OWN!!! If you don't know what a sock monkey is... where have you been? camp is fun- there are 3 other girls there. They all go to the same school and are good friends, so instead of a group of 5 girls (me, A, and the three girls) its sort of a group of three and a group of two. (guess who's in the group of two?) and they are a year and a half younger. They are nice and all, they just don't really notice A and myself.
          After camp today, I went to a park that's really close to my house. It was fun. After a few minutes of climbing the special tree, (its like it was MEANT to be climbed!!!) a little boy came over. He was so adorable!!! He was being all nice and was talking to us and just being nice. he was like, 4 or 5 years younger than me. I love little kids, so I thought he was supper cute. A, however, thought he was "creepy." I have no idea why. maybe she will post about it... HAHAHAHAHA thats unlikely.
          I was about to go take a shower, when i was like, "I WANNA FINALY USE THAT BATH BOMB I GOT MESELF!!!" so i filled the tub and put in a yellow bath bomb. the inside, surprisingly, was blue, so i had green bath water that smelled like lemons. it rocked. I love bath bombs!!!
   well, I do not have a lot to say. hrmph. sorry. oh, heres a few videos to catch up.

the awesome meaning of "creepyness" - by vsauce, the coolest science channel on youtube.

coffee is pretty cool. - by CGPGrey, the other coolest science channel on youtube.

you ought to know this... also by CGPGrey.

I love butterflies! - by Smarter Every Day. actually very intresting. eaiser to understand. VERY FASCINATING.

got to go- toddles!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

camp is over!

Its H and after 3 whole weeks, i am BACK!!! Camp was the best!!! I went to Harand Camp! IT WAS THE BEST! The consolers were so nice and funny and the teachers were cool too!!! It's a preforming arts AND outdoor camp, so of course it was the best of both worlds. We had singing, dancing and drama in the morning and in the afternoon we had 3 electives we could choose. There were A days and B days, different electives for different days. But we always had theater classes. There were different cabins for different age groups- I was in Carousel Circus, the best cabin ever!!! After 3 weeks of learning a new song and dance about every day, Carousel Circus learned 16 songs, 15 dances and did AWESOME in Pageant! (Pageant is the end of camp when we all perform everything we learned.) I loved it! This year, pageant was based on the 3 directors Bob Fosse, Jerome Robbins and Michael Bennett. Carousel Circus did songs and dances from Pippin and Gypsy. I really liked Pippin, but they were both really fun. Here are links to some songs I did, in order. of course, this is not what we did at pageant, but just so you can hear the songs. I'll even include a summary. And we did not do every full song- just about 2 minutes worth of each one so we could always have some sort of dance to go with it. (remembering dances is MUCH harder than remembering lyrics.)

is about a young boy that thinks there is going to be one perfect thing he will be perfect at and will love forever. He is trying to find his CORNER OF THE SKY. Of course, there is no corner of the sky. (nice use of a metaphor, I must say.)  There are circus people. These circus people are "helping him" find his destiny, but really they are evil and Pippin has made a deal with the devil. So along they go, out to help Pippin. First he wants to be a solider.(war is a science, glory.) That didn't work. So he kills the king, who is his father, and is now king. There is now going to be a whole new world! (morning glow.) Not. He is really bad at being a king. So he brings his father back to life and tries more stuff. Fails. Along the way he visits his grandmother. She tells him that he ought to start living and he should settle down and have a good life. He ignores her. After more failures, and then the circus people try to make him get what they wanted the entire time - for Pippin to end the circus with a big bang by setting himself on fire. literally. Pippin considers this, but runs of. The last scene is so cool- to bad we couldn't do it.  Everyone takes away the props and costumes and now its just Pippin with the girl he loves and her son. He asks the audience if it was worth it, wasting his life trying to find the meaning of it. If he is truly happy. And then the lights go down. It's such a mysterious ending, I LOVE IT!!!  (my personal fav musical in pageant.)

Magic To Do
Corner Of The Sky
Cakewalk  and  War is a Science
Morning Glow
we stood in the aisles for this part- time to start livin

is about a woman who really really wants to be a broadway star. To bad she has no talent. But she has 2 young daughters - one with blond curly locks named June and one with dull brown hair named Louise. The mother neglects Louise but fusses about June, forcing her to be on stage all the time for years and years. Thing is, her mother is saying June and Louise are just little girls. they are in their mid 20's and since their mom tells them they are still 12, they have no idea how old they really are! The agent books them a good show to try out for. They are so excited and happy! except for June. She hates the act they are doing.  But the entire family tries out. It was reallllllly bad. The producers say they want June but nobody else. The mom refuses. This gets June so angry she runs of with her friend and they become stars together. Problem is, Louise was in love with the friend June ran off with. But the mother turns her attention to Louise, her neglected daughter, and tells her about how great she will be and how much of a success she is. turns out, Louise is full of talent. she becomes a very famous broadway star.

Extra Extra, Let Me Entertain You
Mr. Goldstone
If Momma Was Married
Some People
Little Lamb
Broadway (I don't know if this is the right link. I don't have an updated adobe flash and can't watch it.)
Together Wherever We Go
Everything's Commin up Roses

I am so sorry for all these typing mistakes, but a girl got me sick at camp and I have a really bad cold and its midnight and I'M TIRED and I feel gross. This entire post so far has taken 3 hours to fully watch every clip, proofread and edit. I also went through almost an entire bot of tissues. I keep sneezing.

by the way, this is post 50!!!

anyways, back on topic.

I really loved camp. I did. It was small, only about 60-70 kids, but it was so nice. Everyone was friendly. I made some great friends. I want to stay for all 6 weeks next year. Every Friday we had services with no specific religion, but at the end we would all put our arms around each other and sing No Man Is An Island. And at camp, we really meant it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

schools out!

H hers saying that school is officially over! This is bitter sweet for me because its summer and i'm free but im going to miss a teacher thats leaving soooooooo much (i've had her 3 times) and i'm going to miss my current teachers, too! but I will email EVERYONE so nobody gets LONLEY in the SUMMER!!! (random capitalization.) But I am really going to miss school. like, a lot. its funny how at school i long for summer and at summer i long for school.  but thats ok. I am making this post because as of sunday, 2 days from now, I will be at sleep away camp! It will be so fun! except that if i dare touch any sort of electrical device, I will get booted and have to go home. I will be there for 3 WHOLE WEEKS. so I will not post for a while. I might be able to make a quick post after the first week, but otherwise no, I will not blog. so here i am! i plan on writing letters to like, 10 people, so I will NOT disappear from the surface of the earth entirely. but camp will be great! its part acting camp and part normal-camp camp. it sounds fun to me! but i feel so suddenly free right now- its a great feeling.

a fact about chicago- chicago is not called the windy city for its "high winds." compared to many other cities, we are actualy pretty not windy. but then why is that the nick name of chicago? because after the great chicago fire, which burnt down the good part of the city, the city rebuilt metal, less flameable houses. chicago was being very "windy," or bragging, when it boasted about its amazing, indistructable town! new and modern!

leaving on a positive note,  summer has started! WHOOOT!!! have a great summer, everyone!!!