Thursday, June 13, 2013

ive been hibernating.

H finnaly here!! How long i have been gone, i do not know, but i have been hibernating in my bed for ages. I decided i need to come back or I would drift away and quit, so here i am, typing fast so i can get 8ack into that wonderful sl1eep.  why 4re th3re number5 1n th1s? 1 r3a11y d0nt kn0w, h4ng 0n.

ok, speaking about numbers all jumbled, try as hard as you can to read the following.

H3110. Y0u 4r3 pr08a8ly h4v1n6 a h4rd t1m3 r3ad1n6 th15. 
8ut d0 n0t fr3t. th1s w1ll s10w1y b3c0m3 3a1s3r 4nd 3a1s3r t0 r4ad.
k33p g01ng. g00d. y0u g0t th1s5. y3s, y0ur m1nd 1s s1owl1y 4nd 64dua1y ad4pt1ng 
t0 th1s. n0w th1s 1s s0 v3ry 3a5y, 8ec4u5e y0ur m1nd 1s 4ll0w1ng 1ts31f t0
t4k3 num83rs 4nd m3ke th3m 1ett3r5. g00d j0b. m0st1y ch1ldr3n 4nd y0un6er 
4du1ts f1nd th15 r3ad4b1e, wh1l3 th13r m1nd5 4r3 5ti11 3v3r ch4n6in6. 8ut 1f 
y0u 4re n0t 4 y0un6 4du1t 4nd y3t 4re 5ti11 r4ad1ng th1s, y0u 4r3 5m4rt 4nd
h4v3 a v3ry g00d, we11 o1l3d m1nd.  c0n6r4ts, y0u m4d3 1t t0 th3 3nd.
y0u 4r3. r3a11y 4we50me.

ok, could you read it? you couldnt? well, try again. let your midnd turn the numbers into letters. come on, you can do it! just keep trying. it will get eaiser as you go on. good.

alright, I have a pet-pieve- when you are passing out birthday treats and people are like, jumping about and grabbing things out of your hand and saying all day, "what treats did you bring? did you bring enough for everyone? how manny do we get!?!" JUST SHUT UP AND HAVE YOUR CANDY. sorry, I need to calm down. hang on.
alright, im back.  i feel better. but anyways, its so obnoxious when people act like the only thing that matters is the candy that some people bring in. i mean, what about the fact that ITS THIER BIRTH DAY. and it gets worse when everyone sings that cute happy birthday song and one person is screaming and running around and getting out of thier chair and like, standing on the desk, and everyone is laughing at the attention-crazy person and the birthday kid, whoever they are, feels neglected and negative.  its AWFUL. and some kids eat in a gross, icky way, like, melting the food all over thier hands and, thier BATHING IN CANDY JUICE. its gross. just, if your going to do that, if your mouth is unable to just eat like a normal person, please, save it for home. or in the bus, or car, or train, or whatever. nobody wants to see that.

ok, I need to practice piano. i will be right back in a jiffy. (jiffy :D)

ok, i practiced. and did my math homework. and finished my HUGE writing project. and wrote 2 cards for my friends. and typed this. and checked my email. and fiddled with the endless capabilities of this computer. so yeah. im a busy girl! now, im going to... PUBLISH THIS!!! and go... upstairs!!! IM A MAN WITH A PLAN! well, good night! i hope you have a lucid dream!