Monday, May 20, 2013

TWINS FOREVER!!! a has returned!!!

alright, it is A and H here for a combined blog. you will be able to tell if it is H because the font looks like this, and A's font looks like this. ok, lets start.

so, how do you plan on comming back? what ya gonna do here, is what I am saying.

Well, I guess Im gonna *pauses because A cant type without hittin her arm dramaticaly* shut up, H. your so annoying sometimes! Anyway, im a gonna type and just dig the info is is providing da public. YAY!

You make... no sense. at all. anyways, why did you quit? are you... AWFUL-HEARTED!?! YOU LEFT ME HERE ALONE!!!

I quit because i just had a lot on my mind and it was just a bad time to start a blog for me. I had a project and couldn't type very often. And, no. I'm not awful hearted. *whispers, and I'M the drtamatic one?!?*

its that or you just stink at typing, cuz I had the exact same project and i was just FINE. I love you!!! anywayz, I want to know... do you plan on making any... changes... to MY wonderful blog...? just wondering.. no reason...  ???

Yes, I do plan on making some changes. I'm just gonna CHANGE EVERYTHING!!! not really. i'll just type and add a few more posts and stuff. But I have a question for the public. Do you believe A and M should come back to the show? State your opinion in the comments or on the sites youtube account. I'd really like to know, and maybe he'll come back. Your choice. (MAKE SURE TO COMMENT)MERP!!

That was A and H's special mini talk show. thanks for watching!!!

SO much to say...

...and Im too lazy to type it. H here, I do not know what I am doing but i am doing it... here i go!!!
alright, today was a strange day, there was a sub and I finished my work scary-fast and ended up with like, 1 hour of unstructured time. even though all we ever want is unstructured time, i was bored out of my life. i had a lanyard, so I wasn't dying, but I finished it and then the dying started. I was bored. i asked to do random work and was probably being really creepy when I asked every single person for extra work, no periods for ending sentence purposes they waste time and so do extra letters EXTRA LETTERS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ  ok. i need to calm down a bit. give me a sec.

ok, i am back. totaly normal now. well, since all I had was 20 easy math questions, I have had a really boring day. for the first, what, 3 hours of being home, I just walked around my house looking for something to do.  then i did my homework. then i wandered a bit, if a bit is 4 hours. and now i am here. there you go. I changed the backround pic for my computer, I always use the sacred poptropica ones which i love. my new one is so cute...  just look at da wittle face!!! ok, I am really bored. I checked google plus, nothing new. I checked youtube, we do not have the current adobe flash. (apparently, updating every week isn't often enough.) i checked my yaho-  WAIT NO I DID NOT I WILL BE RIGHT BACK
ok I have no mail. wait... A is speaking... OMG SHE WANTS TO JOIN! this might be a one time thang, but if shes back... then it looks like FOREVER ALONE HAS FOUND HER BUDDY!!! oh, joy oh joy!!! leaving on a positive note, goo-bye.